Saturday, June 22, 2013

Summer is here

Well the heat of summer has arrived and I am not excited.... As a child I loved summertime, the softball season started and school ended. Who didn't love summer as a child? However,as an adult I have realized summer in the Midwest is only a time of year in which you sweat miserably just walking to your car or to get the mail. Let me just say I am beyond excited about the season to come,fall. Who doesn't love fall? It is beautiful out with leaves changing color, air cool and crisp,beautiful colors of deep reds,oranges,browns and yellow associated with fall...pumpkin in everything, apple cider,hot chocolate,fires in the's the most amazing season really.... So we all just need to get through summer best we can in order to get to fall:)

Saturday, June 15, 2013

Pizza pizza

Ok so I know I changed up the way the blog was going but I had to share... Flatouts pizza so yummy and the crust only 100 calories!!!!!
Our yummy meat lovers pizzas.... Heat oven to 425.... Cook for about 9 minutes

The best pizza crust ever!!!!! Thanks for the idea mom.....

Thursday, June 13, 2013

Rainy Days....

So of course it has been rainy the last few days and I don't like to get the baby out when its rainy so we haven't explored much... I have however spent some time with one of my sisters which is always fun and my husband and I have been spending more time together in the evenings... we compete against each other in Jeopardy every night which is a blast and I have also made a "monthly meal plan" and have actually stuck to it for 4 days, (3 days longer than ever before).... I know its not much but these things have made me incredibly happy.

This weekend is going to be an amazing weekend rain or shine, it is my husband's first father's day... We are going to head to Indiana to see my daddy Saturday and then we will be home for James' fathers day.... He won't get on here before the weekend so I can say my plans... It would be wonderful if Nora would go along with the plans and sleep until 7.... but we shall see, anyway, I want to get up and make James a nice breakfast and then take him to dinner at Ocharley's.... in between just spend time together here at the house, if weather is nice then we can go to one of the 50 metro parks in the area and enjoy the day as a family....

I am just so excited for him to have his first father's day, he really has been an amazing father... Seeing him and Nora together is one of the best things in the world. He plays with her and she just adores him!

James and Nora at the hospital 

My daddy holding me as a tiny baby

My dad holding his first granddaughter (nora)

I hope everyone has a wonderful fathers day weekend and i can't wait to tell you all how ours goes! Enoy

Live Simply, Simply Live

Sunday, June 9, 2013

Blog Overhaul...

So I know I haven't been on here but honestly I got burned out on recipes and such for the blog it felt more of a burden than something fun to do.... I would get so upset if I had not done something for the blog... so Here is the end of the "living the DIY life" and the beginning of "simply live"...

I have recently reevaluated life and taken a step back to really take a look at what is going on in my life... I have once again got my priorities back in line... While it would be great to have a picture perfect clean home, create lavish meals and craft looking similar to that of hobby lobby art however, I have realized that happiness, messy home and all is so much more enjoyable. I have gotten back to my faith by devoting a little more time to God and thanking him more for all the wonderful things in my life... My wonderful daughter, amazing husband, awesome family and friends....I can't even start to think of that magazine home, cooking like chef anne, or crafting like martha until I have bettered myself. I need to make sure I am happy in order to enjoy life to its fullest... I need to live life a little more and enjoy everything God gives me. I need to set good examples for my beautiful daughter by getting myself healthy, I have a lot of extra pounds to lose and I hope to get fit in the next two years before she can really remember, I don't want her to have memories of me being lazy, unfit eating junk food.... I am going to start enjoying and living a more simplistic life. I will be doing a few things for myself to make myself more happy like writing I have always loved to write and do more photography. I want to start enjoying the city in which we live and try to have some kind of experience every day... Even if it is something small like walking into a new store or meeting a new person.

I think back to the happiest most loving people I have ever known, my grandparents. Papa was a preacher and mama was a housewife-they didn't have much in the bank but man they were rich with love and they would give you the clothes off their backs if you would have asked.

Honestly money just causes problems... just live simply....

So the new blog is Simply Live... a constant reminder to myself to live and enjoy life to its fullest.... you may get a random life update, something we have done, an occasional recipe or craft but this blog is going to be my story... my tell all if you will... Since it will be my life, raw, it will get personal and things will be real... most important I will be happy and celebrating the days God gives me...

Live Simply, Simply Live.....