Thursday, February 7, 2013

yogurt bites

 Yummy Frozen Yogurt Bites....

First pick some flavors that you love!! I picked vanilla and strawberry to test out... later tried Boston cream pie which is my all time favorite!

Then pour one flavor at a time or if you prefer to mix them both, into a ziplock back or something of that nature and cut the corner as if you were to be frosting something
then line a baking sheet with wax paper or something similar and start squeezing "dots" of yogurt onto the paper

this process may seem tedious however in the end its worth it

*I was rushing to get this done before the baby woke up* when done simply put in the freezer I think mine took a good 2 hours to get frozen but check them periodically....

Then to remove quickly a spatula came in handy... and I then put them into a plastic container and put them back in the freezer!

Me being mildly lactose intolerant I can not sit down and enjoy a cup of yogurt however I can stop by the freezer and grab a few bites of yogurt through out the day and not regret my decision... so for those of you who say "I can't have dairy" just try this  unless you are really allergic to milk... Me it just upsets my stomach and makes me regret my dairy decisions until now that is!!! 


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