Monday, April 1, 2013

chicken fajita

First of all, Happy April Fools day! AKA The day before the best day ever (My birthday)

Camera battery died and I am sorry about the lack of pictures.... however, this is one of the EASIEST and cheapest dinners on the planet! 

You will need boneless skinless chicken breasts (however many you find fit for your family, I used 3 large so we'd have left over)
Cut the chicken breast into strips that would fit on a tortilla nicely

You'll need seasonings-you can buy the "fajita" season pack or do what I do and just play a guessing game with cayenne pepper, garlic powder, paprika, pepper, salt, onion powder, and chili powder... 

you will also need 1/3 c oil
and any garnish you like, I used green, yellow and red bell pepers... Onion would have been great too!

You'll need to put the oil in a bowl, add the chicken and coat well then add your season and stir around until all the chicken is covered well

place your seasoned chicken into a casserole dish 
then add what ever garnish you choose to the top and cook on 350 for about 30-35 minutes depending on your oven and/or until you veggies are soft and of course make sure the chicken is done

serve on a tortilla with cheese, and whatever else you make like and there you have a wonderful dinner with very little effort! 


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