Thursday, March 27, 2014

Movie Review: The Internship

So we watched this movie LATER than we should have but at least I got to it! All I should say is OWEN AND VINCE... and that should just be enough for you to have to see it.... but I will go on I suppose!

They bring us the same hilarious comedic chemistry they had in wedding crashers (If you haven't seen that then stop reading this post, crawl out from under your rock and watch it...NOW)

Two middle aged men face a time in their life when they need to change career paths.... all they ever knew was person to person sales. They find out about the google internship and are forced into an environment they are unfamiliar with. They are far from tech savvy and of course all the other interns are in their 20s so they are worlds apart. Of course everything works out and there is a lot of laughter! 

Again Owen and Vince ... Watch it!

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