Monday, September 29, 2014

Duct Tape creations

Nora loves purses, and I had a lot of duct tape... So I decided one night to sit down with no tutorial and attempt to make a purse and wallet... let me just say that I rocked it! She loves it!! and the wallet is to actual size so real USD and credit cards can fit! 

Honestly I probably will never be able to recreate this, but I just wanted to share my project with you! 

Another duct tape project i've done and didn't take pictures of is pretty duct tape covered diaper boxes. I found some really cute shabby chic duct tape and just covered an ugly yet sturdy diaper box and it looks so cute now in my closet! 

Duct tape can be found in almost every style and in almost every store now... I got 3 for $5 at Five Below.... Pat Catans had Wizard of Oz for $2/roll and in three different patterns.... 

Friday, September 26, 2014

Meet my cool friend, Washi....

I am so obsessed with washi tape it should be illegal! 
I found tealights at the dollar tree 16 for $1 and of course I have a million patterns of washi and I just started wrapping the outsides up making boring old tealights fabulous! 

If you have a five below or a really cool dollar tree like Strongsville, OH has then you can find washi tape for about $1-$1.50... if you go to Joanns you could pay as much as $5/roll.... 

I am just as happy with the cheap ones honestly they are all so cute! I'm not looking for anything specific UNLESS someone knows where I can find Frozen Washi tape then PLEASE let me know! 

This craft is super simple and really cheap so on an evening you're bored and you've already caught up on my blog posts then this is perfect!  

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Nora's 2nd Birthday Theme revealed....

I know its a little early but I love planning Nora's birthdays... I know that sounds crazy since this will only be her 2nd one... Its what I love to do! I have put a lot of thought into what I will be doing and I did a Minnie and Daisy party last year and even though she still really loves Mickey Mouse clubhouse I wanted to go in a different direction. Her Birthday is in December (the 10th) so its before Christmas but its still really cold...  and one her favorite movies this year has been the same favorite movie of a million other children (and adults; don't lie...) so we are going with Anna, Sven, Olaf, Kristoff, Elsa and the gang.... you know, that really cold movie set in Arendelle.... Let it go, I know you want to just start busting out in sing song.... 


Here is the start of the wreath I am doing... its a Tied off tulle wreath... 

Here is some super cool ribbon I found to decorate with and to attempt to make a hair bow for the Birthday princess but we will see how that works out... Success or Fail I  will post how it goes! 

Anyway, super excited to continue planing for this awesome party, and I thought it was appropriate Frozen party in December:)

Monday, September 22, 2014

Toddlers: How? & Why?

I ask my daughter daily one or the other sometimes both, "How? Why?" I started taking pictures of some of those moments and here are a couple... 

Do you ever wonder how babies fall asleep in the strangest spots and can stay asleep for an HOUR! Yes she slept in what I am calling the back breaker position for an HOUR! How? & Why? She was playing, laughing and then was passed out! 

Our princess is a fearless warrior. There is nothing that stands in her way, when she wants to do something there is no height too tall for her to do what she wants. She decided she wanted to climb into the changing table which is now serving as a tv stand in her bedroom. Its not really tall but I bet its at least 3 feet tall where she tucked herself into....  She climbed up there and said "mommy, sleepy" and laid her head down... Now this being such a sweet moment and a "how? & why?" moment I of course just snapped a picture before I pulled her out of there. Honestly though, Toddlers really do some of the craziest things. My only thought is she must have seen the cat lay in there and thats what gave her the idea because our cat will go to great heights to stay out of reach of Nora Jane! 

Please, if anyone else has a "how? & why?" toddler picture please share in the comments and give everyone a little laugh!

Remember to enjoy your sweeties because they sure do grow fast!

Thursday, September 18, 2014

Happy Fall Y'all

I made a new wreath this year and of course I didn't take pictures of the process and for that I apologize... However I am still posting this wreath because it is huge and fabulous and I love it! 

I took three different kinds of deco mesh, (the short rolls) and I followed a tutorial similar to This ... It is so easy and pretty fun! 

I am so excited that Fall is starting to show up... I  know we have a few more HOT days left but last weekend was beautiful and I am in love with having my air conditioner off and the windows open and a nice candle burning in the house! I get giddy like a 15 year old school girl when I think of Fall. 

I think of the smell of roasted marshmallows and bonfires, and the feel of cool crisp air. The sounds of rustling leaves and the taste of anything pumpkin, apple and of course hot chocolate. I love being in my Jeans and a comfy hooded sweatshirt or cuddled on the couch in a blanket. I love going on walks when its about 60 degrees and cloudy, it is seriously the best feeling in the world to me! 

I am excited to post our Bucket List for the fall on here and then I will update throughout or make one big end of fall post with what we did or didn't do! (Fingers crossed for more done than not)

I hope everyone takes time out to ENJOY the fall weather while its here and do as much as you can because before you know it there will be a foot of snow on the ground and cabin fever will be setting in! 

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

where the track leads.....

As my husband, baby girl and I were out for a family drive we found these tracks. I love to snap a picture that inspires me to think and fuels my writing fire. This photo asked me: "where is your track going?" and my first response was "why am I not sure?".... We have moved a couple times this past year and I didn't accomplish certain things that I initially set out to do so far this year; that thought cause me to keep rolling and wonder why didn't I do the things I wanted to do and why was I not satisfied with what I've already done? Through no fault but my own I had been lazy and unmotivated. I am deciding now to prioritize my life and make time count and do the things I want to do. I want to sew some christmas gifts and write more so that my friends is what I will be doing from now until the end of the year and then I will sit down and think of what else I would like to do. 

So I  challenge you to get a piece of paper and pen or the handy dandy keyboard out and get to writing about where you're track is going and where you are and where you want to be! 

Just remember in all your planning to do things; make time to live your life and not just talk about it... that is something I struggle daily with... I have a lot of great ideas but I haven't been doing much living.... 

Sunday, September 14, 2014

Toddler eating...

One of my hobbies is to watch my 21 month old daughter eat.... It is hilariously messy. Some of her favorites is peanut butter sandwiches and pasta of any kind so I thought I'd share some super cute messy face shots.....

How can you not love a messy faced baby? She is just so fun to watch on a daily basis. As she grows quicker than the weeds outside I sit back and watch in amazement wondering how such a small person can be such a big part of my life, my happiness and my heart. 

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Great Grandparents are the best!

Here is a typical day when we visit my grandparents (Nora's great grandparents)....

She climbs out of the pack and play now so naps are few and far between when we go over there but not this time! 
She climbed up on "Pops" and fell asleep with him rocking her... This pictures is the sweetest picture I've ever gotten of him! 

Then when nap time is over Sissy "Shishe" takes Nora for walks by the garden and they pick tomatoes and grapes... Nora loves being outside and going for "Valks". This picture though is one of my favorites because its just so sweet... A Great Grandma showing the Baby how to pick things from the garden.... 

Since they have retired and moved down here from Cleveland we have gotten so much closer. Its been a handful of years now and I'm so blessed that we get to go over there often as we like its less than an hour away so we can go daily if we wanted to... I think they'd kick us out though if that started happening...