Monday, September 22, 2014

Toddlers: How? & Why?

I ask my daughter daily one or the other sometimes both, "How? Why?" I started taking pictures of some of those moments and here are a couple... 

Do you ever wonder how babies fall asleep in the strangest spots and can stay asleep for an HOUR! Yes she slept in what I am calling the back breaker position for an HOUR! How? & Why? She was playing, laughing and then was passed out! 

Our princess is a fearless warrior. There is nothing that stands in her way, when she wants to do something there is no height too tall for her to do what she wants. She decided she wanted to climb into the changing table which is now serving as a tv stand in her bedroom. Its not really tall but I bet its at least 3 feet tall where she tucked herself into....  She climbed up there and said "mommy, sleepy" and laid her head down... Now this being such a sweet moment and a "how? & why?" moment I of course just snapped a picture before I pulled her out of there. Honestly though, Toddlers really do some of the craziest things. My only thought is she must have seen the cat lay in there and thats what gave her the idea because our cat will go to great heights to stay out of reach of Nora Jane! 

Please, if anyone else has a "how? & why?" toddler picture please share in the comments and give everyone a little laugh!

Remember to enjoy your sweeties because they sure do grow fast!

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