Saturday, November 29, 2014

BLACK FRIDAY....OK Thursday....

SO as usual my sister Courtney and I went out shopping only this year our younger sister Brianna came too! It was just us sisters and that doesn't happen often! We ended up going out around 9pm Thursday and can I just say Kohls still had EVERYTHING even after being opened for hours, plus there wasn't too many people and as far as our other stops, Target and Walmart they were not nearly as crazy as usual.... so either we hit them at the right time or people just aren't shopping on Thursday... either way it was a win for us! we got everything we needed/wanted/didn't need... I got completely done shopping, and we woke up the friday morning and went out some more! We had a great time and I can't wait for next year to do it again, although we did miss the rush of being there when the doors opened so I think next year we are going to Toys R US just for the rush! 

I hope everyone had a safe and happy Thanksgiving and Shopping weekend! Bring ON Cyber Monday!!

Thursday, November 27, 2014

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving from our Family to yours! I hope that everyone has safe travels and that everyone enjoys a little bit of a cheat meal day! I also hope that if you're in retail you will remain positive and enjoy your day... You know well in advance that IF you work retail you have to work Thanksgiving- Also to all the shoppers, I hope you find wonderful deals but don't let greed get the best of you, don't push and shove to save some cash on a tv you don't really need or that $1 dvd... its really not worth the bad karma.... 

As for myself I've always been a Black Friday shopper.... I remember my first black friday in CLEVELAND, Oh with my mom... (What was she thinking?) It was the year of the furbie... the first time they came out in the 90s.... it was insane there mothers throwing those suckers across the store... a car was stolen in the parking lot we were in and I feel like someone got shot but we were not there for that one! Ever since I've enjoyed going out and seeing how insane the human race can be... its watching idiots in their natural habitat... Its like a train wreck you can't look away... 

My sister and I have been going together for about 8 years now I think... before her I would go with friends or my mom.... I've been at it I think somewhere around 15 years or so except the year I  was 9 months pregnant I made the decision to not go because I could barely sit up let alone walk in a crowd of insane crazies.... 

I love the thrill... I've stood in line for hours in the snow to get nothing just to go for the experience.... I usually do my shopping online and enjoy the day out with my sister we also are normally done shopping by that time so we shop for ourselves or what our homes need... I did buy Nora a dress last year on a whim....

Either way whichever end you're on- the retail, the consumer or the i'm staying at home... I hope your day is great! 

Eat Turkey, (except I hate turkey so I'll eat potatoes and cranberry sauce)

Thursday, November 20, 2014

More from the Machine....

I will say that this is the first year, EVER, that I  am so caught up on projects that I had to think of something to sew.... So, I decided to make Nora and her cousin Ali matching Frozen scarves and myself a cute wintery pattern "scarf" its more like a wrap but either way it will keep my face warm and I'm not going to lie, it already has... *We've had some super cold days already*

I also made Nora and James new blankets that they LOVED and nora wants to sleep with hers every night which made me feel like an excellent mother! WINNING!! 

James loves his too.... we all sit out in the living room wrapped up in the blankets I sewed... I'm going to do some self bragging but I'm really proud of myself that I know how to sew now :) 

Monday, November 17, 2014



Well, my brother-in-law bought a case of these bad boys from Amazon... and my sisters and I opened one and had "Sister Surge Shots".... it tastes the same as it did a decade ago.... but my love for it was only as a child... its too sweet for me now but nonetheless I  had some! 

Now if only they will bring back Crystal Clear Pepsi so I can see if it tastes like I  remember, maybe some 3D doritos too :)

Friday, November 14, 2014

Reading with Washi...

Well here is the second washi post I promised... 
I went to hobby lobby and in the jewelry section they had these little book charms... I fell madly in love and decided that I had make a couple gifts for someone I know... She loves these two in particular and I went with it... I love the pairing with the washi that I did... Ii think it matches and goes well together and can I just say how much fun these are to make! 

I also went to the dollar tree and bought a pack of tea lights (16 for $1) and made matching washi covered tealights... 

these are seriously such a cute little gift!

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Washi Love!

 Washi Tape.... How on earth did I go 27 years of life without you? I'm so glad I found you.... You complete me:).... Ok so after I have just professed my love for this stuff you should go buy some... now.... its everywhere even the dollar tree has it... for you guessed it... $1!!! (The gingerbread tape came from there)

So here are some ideas for washi *Another post will soon follow*

Iphone Chargers covered in washi tape suddenly makes me happy to see my phone charging... PS I buy my chargers straight from china for less than $1 so I have a million of them to play with... I know a lot of people who pay a lot of cash so they may only have one or two max!

Cheap wooden frame covered in the washi of choice... I made this one because it looks shabby chic and I'm in love with pinks and florals... 

I may have a problem because I can't stop crafting... but I can't help it, once you have these cute little rolls everywhere you will just want to craft all day and all night.... Its like Lisa Frank for adults.... 

check back in a few days for a great gift idea with washi tape! 

Monday, November 10, 2014


So, I'm not a big decorator for the Thanksgiving holiday... I am more of a straight to Christmas kind of girl... but this year I decided to make this bad boy because I'm in love with Tulle and needed a great reason to play with more! SO here you have a Turkey Wreath that is currently out on the front door... We may have Christmas lights hung up in the kitchen but at least passersby will think we're all about the Turkey :) 

Why Yes, I did watch Elf while I  made this and no I didn't feel bad about it! Now On to Christmas Crafting!!! So Excited for this Holiday Season... Nora will be 2 and she is already very excited when we go to stores and see big Santas and snowman *she calls it all santa* I hope I can give her a heart full of Christmas magic that she will treasure for a lifetime... I know one thing is for sure, there are so many wonderful things that come with Christmas... and For me personally I've always been as spirited as a Christmas elf, however in my adult life the holiday has only gotten more meaningful... 
I met James just before Christmas, It was our first holiday together.... two Christmases later he proposed to me.... and on our 5th Christmas we had just brought our first baby home, and had Christmas in our first house we had bought.... Granted our 6th Christmas we were renting again but that came with an awesome new job for James... now here we are coming up on our 7th Christmas.... I can't help but get excited- so to my best friend... You had your Halloween.... now let my Christmas begin :)

Thursday, November 6, 2014

More Halloween Surprises....

Since Nora is the first kid on my side of the family (since my sister Bree who is almost 21) She is a little spoiled.... I didn't take pictures of everything but here are a few below....
My parents got her an adorable little owl bag, goodies and clothes for halloween, Aunt Jess made goodie bag, I got her a new shirt, and movie.... My grandma got her a goodie bag, the neighbor brought over a sweet goodie bag and box of homemade sugar cookies... and then below is a package that came in the mail from my Aunt Kelly and her mom, Debbie.... Way too sweet everyone and we thank you all so very much for being super awesome to our princess.... 

I just wanted to make a post to thank everyone for being so kind and great to Nora! We couldn't ask for better family and friends than those who are actively involved in her life! 

Monday, November 3, 2014

Our little Punkie Pink Pirate Princess.....

She is her momma's girl.... She loves all things pink and girly so when her Aunt Jessica let us borrow this costume she was super excited about it and she ROCKED it! We thought this was the cutest little costume! She kept spinning around saying "pretty mommy, baby pretty" and that makes my heart very happy! 

Although it was all of 40 degrees for trick or treat or as Nora Jane kept saying " Punkie treats"... We still went to Nana and Papa's house and visited some neighbors and family friends just to make it back before the ice and snow started... Indiana weather I tell you, unpredictable.... Needless to say it was a great success and super fun... she said "punkie treats" to everyone and she said "nank you" so manners were spot on! 

PS... I hit the sales after halloween and this chick will be snow white next year! $5!!!:)