Thursday, November 20, 2014

More from the Machine....

I will say that this is the first year, EVER, that I  am so caught up on projects that I had to think of something to sew.... So, I decided to make Nora and her cousin Ali matching Frozen scarves and myself a cute wintery pattern "scarf" its more like a wrap but either way it will keep my face warm and I'm not going to lie, it already has... *We've had some super cold days already*

I also made Nora and James new blankets that they LOVED and nora wants to sleep with hers every night which made me feel like an excellent mother! WINNING!! 

James loves his too.... we all sit out in the living room wrapped up in the blankets I sewed... I'm going to do some self bragging but I'm really proud of myself that I know how to sew now :) 

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