Friday, March 29, 2013

cheesecake pops....

These would be great for a party or large gathering...

You will need cheesecake, I cheated and bought the ready made stuff... you'll also need graham crackers and lollipop sticks... I have chocolate wafers pictured but I didn't have many and I of course burnt the chocolate because I was impatient and microwaved it 2 minutes without stirring it... Anyway, I bet it would have been heavenly but I didn't get to find out this time around...

smash up the grahams

Roll out the cheesecake

Roll cheesecake balls in the graham crumbs and add the stick... put in fridge or freezer for about half an hour or so and YUM! you have a bite size cheesecake on a stick... its brilliant really! 

Wednesday, March 27, 2013

No Mess caramel apples

You will LOVE these... 

You need apples and caramel thats it!

Core the center but not all the way through... scrape out the seeds and center

Fill with caramel and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes

cut in half and eat or cut more like I did below... 

each bite has just enough caramel on it... no messy hands, no worries for double dippers.... perfect for just one person or for a party! 

These turned out better than I had expected! 


Monday, March 25, 2013

Not quite applebee's BBQ

When I was pregnant we went to applebees alot because I was in love with their BBQ sauce... well I found a "copycat recipe" online... let me tell you this is great sauce but it is NOT applebee's!!!

1/3 cup Bottled apple butter
1/3 cup Catalina dressing
1/3 cup Ketchup
2 tablespoons Worcestershire

Mix together... I added a little more apple butter to sweeten it up and I also added a few pinches of brown sugar to thicken it up... I really wanted to get it to be like applebees but it did turn out pretty great!

served with chicken strips, corn and mac n' cheese made a great quick dinner!

Next sauce I want to attempt is O'Charley's chipotle 

Friday, March 22, 2013

Biscuit and Gravy Casserole

So this is a pretty good recipe that needs adjusted just a bit... but I will go into that a little more in a minute! I found the recipe online and should have went with my gut but I didn't.... anyway here we go

4 tbs flour
2 cups milk
8 oz cream cheese, softened and cubed
salt and cracked black pepper to taste 
1 package Crescent rolls
1 package Golden Layers Flaky Biscuits

cook sausage as normal and it said to 
 in a large sauce pot heat milk over medium low heat and whisk in flour. 
Cook and constantly stir for 3-4 minutes until slightly thickened. 
Then add cream cheese and stir until melted and well combined. 
Add salt and pepper to taste. I love me some pepper so I add lots of cracked black pepper!

while doing the above line the casserole dish with biscuits or crescent rolls

add crumbled sausage to sauce pan mix

pour "gravy" over dough in casserole pan

add biscuits to top bake at 350 for about 20 minutes....

It turned out a little messy because I should have used a much larger casserole dish.... I didn't think about how much two layers of biscuits would rise....

Now for the changes I would make... I would just make my own homemade gravy that I normally cook.. I didn't like the taste of the philly cream cheese in the "gravy" also I would have used much thinner dough for the bottom because it didn't cook properly... this being said everything was edible and my husband liked it but I am a country girl and I like my country gravy and where I'm from cream cheese is just not for gravy! 

anyway! ENJOY

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Two Ingredient Cake....

So I thought two ingredients must be too good to be true.... Sorry for lack of photos, my camera died during the process....

All you need is a box of angel food cake and a can of pie filling... I chose blueberry... sounded like it would be good...

Mix together.... and then bake according back of Angel food box...

This is the before oven picture... I didn't get an after it was done picture... it turned out ok... We are not the biggest cake lovers in this house but it was an easy fix... I may experiment more with this in the future maybe adding fresh berries and whipped cream or something to liven it up... but it was edible... I've defiantly created worse! but if anyone has suggestions I'm open for ideas to liven this cake up.... 

Maybe trying a  different pie filling would do the trick! 
Enjoy either way! 

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

1-2-3 Cake...

This is beyond the most brilliant idea I have ever seen.... 

First you need one box angel food cake and one box of whatever kind of cake you want... I used devil's food since I had an extra box of that laying around...

Then you get a gallon zip lock bag, or bowl with air tight lid and pour both cake mixes in... shake well and there you have the wonderful amazing mix!

Then you need to Add 3Tbs cake mixture, 2Tbs water and microwave for 1 minute.... that is where the 
1-2-3 comes in

and here you have a nice little serving of very hot, fluffy cake... 

It was awesome... and since we are not big cake eaters in this house... (I only like to bake them and decorate them, ha! ) This small serving did the trick for a nice dessert after dinner .... for people who can eat dairy I can only imagine a scoop of ice cream and some hot fudge and you will have that friches big boy's dessert right at home for so cheap!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

Fridge revamp

OK, so if you're like me everything that comes in the door seems to go straight to the fridge....

This is what my messy fridge looked like before, pictures, lists, everything all over the place... So annoying especially since its a SMALL kitchen, it just made me feel even more claustrophobic... 

So I went to the dollar tree for some frames... and amazon for the magnet roll....
it was $7.55 for magnet roll and each frame $1...

First pull the back "arm" off because it will just get in the way....

Next trim magnets to put on the back of the frames.... I had a cookie sheet in my craft room that I tested to make sure I had enough magnets on each frame since they were all different...

Next I knew I wanted a "cute" Dry erase board so I just put some construction paper in one of the frames and added magnet to the back as I did with the other frames...

And because I wanted a dry erase board I would need something to hold dry erase markers and a pen or two so I had this laying around from a gift I had gotten and I just took the lid off and spray painted it black...

There it is "wet paint" and all
Spray paint was about $2....

Finished box...

Here are the frames with pictures in it... the one above the dry erase frame is a wallet size fridge frame magnet that has my daughter's doctor apt. card in it... fits perfect!

The side of the fridge with the black box... we had to keep the trash/recycle schedule and a calendar hung up along with pictures of my sisters.... but this looks 1000 times better!!!

I recommend everyone to do this NOW!
Less than $15! 

Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Med Storage & Cough Caddy

So I have finally started to organize the house a bit more... my first project is Med Storage since I couldn't find what I was looking for the other night!
Here is my old system... drawers so full they wouldn't shut and meds starting to pile up on top.... really an eye sore!

So I got these plastic shoe boxes from the dollar tree and divided everything up
I have Kid Meds, First aid, pain relievers and allergy, and vitamins...

Here is my med supply bin....

Then I created the "cough caddy" it has our DayQuil, NyQuil, cough drops, Chloraseptic spray.....

It also has some tissues, cough suppressants,  thermometer and vicks

And most important of all the McNess salve... the best stuff on the planet hands down... I've been relying on this my whole life! Just opening this can will make you feel better! My mama and papa used to have this at their house all the time... my dad always had it as well and now thanks to my dad for ordering me some we have it at our home! 

Well here you have it, an cheap, quick way to organize your meds! 


Sunday, March 10, 2013


So today was 71 degrees outside! Felt amazing... last week however I already started getting spring fever... I made a trip to Hobby Lobby "just looking", you know how that goes... Here is what I found...
It started with the cute adorable pink pinwheel... FELL IN LOVE! 

So naturally I had to get these colors as well, how spring is this (And was our wedding colors)

This very cute blue bucket

Some Styrofoam 

So you put the Styrofoam in the bottom of the bucket and then break off the sticks of the pinwheel to however high you want them sticking out... and just stick them in the foam...

Like this! 

And here is some spring in the cutest way! I did however make an Easter decoration and didn't take many pictures until after... but I will post those with some wreaths I've made :)

I am so excited for it to be nice and warm all the time and we can have windows open... Now, take note... I will be complaining in a few months that it is far too hot! I wish we could just have spring and fall all year and just skip the nasty cold weather and sticky hot weather!

Anyway Enjoy and think spring!