Sunday, March 10, 2013


So today was 71 degrees outside! Felt amazing... last week however I already started getting spring fever... I made a trip to Hobby Lobby "just looking", you know how that goes... Here is what I found...
It started with the cute adorable pink pinwheel... FELL IN LOVE! 

So naturally I had to get these colors as well, how spring is this (And was our wedding colors)

This very cute blue bucket

Some Styrofoam 

So you put the Styrofoam in the bottom of the bucket and then break off the sticks of the pinwheel to however high you want them sticking out... and just stick them in the foam...

Like this! 

And here is some spring in the cutest way! I did however make an Easter decoration and didn't take many pictures until after... but I will post those with some wreaths I've made :)

I am so excited for it to be nice and warm all the time and we can have windows open... Now, take note... I will be complaining in a few months that it is far too hot! I wish we could just have spring and fall all year and just skip the nasty cold weather and sticky hot weather!

Anyway Enjoy and think spring!

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