Monday, March 4, 2013

Green Onions!


I don't know about you all but we use green onions on a lot of things and yes they are VERY cheap we pay $1 for two bunches! the only thing is we seem to toss them out because they brown so fast! well here is an awesome solution!
Chop them all up (Save the ends you will soon see why)

Wash and dry completely a water bottle or some sort of plastic bottle with a lid, then fill it up with all your chopped onions and stick in the freezer! when you are ready to use them you just shake what you need and they thaw almost instantly when cooked and they stay good for a LONG time!

Now with those ends... place in dish of water and just watch them grow like crazy!

this is day 2 already seeing progress

and this my friend is day 5! fully grown green onions... NO sunlight needed, no dirt... just water and I changed the water out every other day.... 

amazing I know.. but this will save us $1 every week... that is $52/year my friends! 

Try this and Enjoy!!!


  1. Who WOULDN'T do this??? Great post :)

  2. I don't use these onions as much as I could, but if I did this I might!
