Friday, March 22, 2013

Biscuit and Gravy Casserole

So this is a pretty good recipe that needs adjusted just a bit... but I will go into that a little more in a minute! I found the recipe online and should have went with my gut but I didn't.... anyway here we go

4 tbs flour
2 cups milk
8 oz cream cheese, softened and cubed
salt and cracked black pepper to taste 
1 package Crescent rolls
1 package Golden Layers Flaky Biscuits

cook sausage as normal and it said to 
 in a large sauce pot heat milk over medium low heat and whisk in flour. 
Cook and constantly stir for 3-4 minutes until slightly thickened. 
Then add cream cheese and stir until melted and well combined. 
Add salt and pepper to taste. I love me some pepper so I add lots of cracked black pepper!

while doing the above line the casserole dish with biscuits or crescent rolls

add crumbled sausage to sauce pan mix

pour "gravy" over dough in casserole pan

add biscuits to top bake at 350 for about 20 minutes....

It turned out a little messy because I should have used a much larger casserole dish.... I didn't think about how much two layers of biscuits would rise....

Now for the changes I would make... I would just make my own homemade gravy that I normally cook.. I didn't like the taste of the philly cream cheese in the "gravy" also I would have used much thinner dough for the bottom because it didn't cook properly... this being said everything was edible and my husband liked it but I am a country girl and I like my country gravy and where I'm from cream cheese is just not for gravy! 

anyway! ENJOY

1 comment:

  1. Cream cheese isn't for gravy! This looks delish though. I'm always looking for "breakfast for dinner" dishes that the girls will eat as well!
